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How Much Is My Florida Slip And Fall Claim Worth?

Slip and fall accidents are quite common in Florida and have the potential to cause serious injuries. Some hazards that can cause a slip-and-fall accident include wet floors, uneven floors, exposed wiring, and loose tiling. A property owner that allows these or other hazards to cause a slip and fall accident that results in serious injuries may be held liable in a slip and fall claim.

If you suffered severe injuries in a Florida slip-and-fall accident due to a property owner’s negligence, you might be wondering how much you will recover in your slip-and-fall claim. So, how much is your Florida slip and fall claim worth? It is impossible to state how much you will recover in your slip and fall claim. Each case is unique, so there is no average settlement amount for slip and fall claims in Florida. To understand the value of your slip and fall claim, you should contact a qualified slip and fall attorney. There are considerations that can help you estimate the amount of money you might be entitled to, and an experienced attorney understands these considerations.

Considerations in Calculating the Value of a Slip and Fall Claim

There are several considerations that can help you understand how much your Florida slip and fall claim may be worth. The following are some of these considerations;

Medical Expenses

After a person suffers an injury in a Florida slip and fall accident, they must seek medical attention. And usually, the victim is charged for their treatment. So, one of the first things an attorney will look at when trying to help you understand the value of your slip and fall claim is your medical expenses. Your Florida slip and fall claim is at least worth the value of your past medical expenses.

If you suffered a long-lasting injury that requires ongoing medical treatment, your claim might be worth at least the value of your past and future medical expenses.

However, on top of medical expenses, you may be entitled to recover compensation for other damages like lost wages and pain and suffering.

Lost Wages

If your injuries made it impossible for you to go to work for some days, weeks, or months, you may be entitled to recover compensation for the wages you would have earned had you gone to work. An attorney can use pay stubs and other documentation to calculate your lost wages.

Pain and Suffering

Pain and suffering are compensable as non-economic damages. You might be qualified to recover pain and suffering damages if you have experienced discomfort, inconvenience, anguish, and emotional trauma due to your slip and fall injury. These damages do not have receipts or bills, so calculating them can be challenging. But a qualified attorney can help.

Because pain and suffering damages are subjective, they can make a substantial part of your compensation.

Loss of Earning Capacity

If, for example, your injuries make it impossible for you to ever work again, you may be qualified to recover compensation for loss of earning capacity. With the help of other experts, an attorney can help you calculate how much you may be entitled to for loss of earning capacity.

Contact a Plantation Slip & Fall Lawyer

If you’ve been injured in a Florida slip-and-fall accident due to a property owner’s negligence and need help recovering the compensation you deserve, contact our Plantation slip & fall lawyers at Lyons & Snyder.


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