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Navigating Fatal Hit-and-Run Accidents in Plantation, Florida

Hit-and-run accidents are a huge problem in Florida. So many hit-and-run accidents take place each year — over 104,000 in 2023 — that the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles holds Hit-and-Run Awareness Month every February, complete with a “Stay at the Scene” campaign urging drivers not to leave accident scenes.

Florida lawmakers have also cracked down on those involved in fatal hit-and-run accidents. Florida hit-and-run laws subject offenders to felony charges and mandatory minimum prison sentences of four years if found guilty.

Even with the possibility of criminal penalties,however, hit and runs are on the rise as insurance rates increase.

A fatal hit-and-run accident lawyer in Plantation, Florida, can handle your case if a loved one is ever killed during one of these crashes. See how you can navigate your way through a fatal hit-and-run accident case below.

Investigating a Fatal Hit-and-Run Accident

In the immediate aftermath of a fatal hit-and-run accident, you should first call the police to notify them. From there, you should then request the services of an experienced attorney.

Hiring a fatal hit-and-run accident lawyer in Plantation, Florida, can help you gather evidence related to a car crash and possibly even help you figure out who was responsible for it. A Plantation hit-and-run accident attorney can investigate your case by:

  • Analyzing surveillance footage of the hit-and-run scene
  • Tracking down eyewitnesses to the hit-and-crash accident
  • Combing through forensic analysis from the hit-and-run crash

A hit-and-run accident lawyer can also work with local Plantation law enforcement and private investigators to paint a clearer picture of a crash.

Taking Advantage of Uninsured Motorist Coverage Following a Hit-and-Run Accident 

If local law enforcement can dig up a mountain of evidence related to your loved one’s fatal hit-and-run accident, they can often locate the responsible party and place them under arrest. But even if they can’t do this, you’ll still want a fatal hit-and-run accident lawyer in Plantation, Florida, on your side.

They can assist you in taking advantage of the uninsured motorist coverage that every Florida vehicle owner must carry through their auto insurance company. This makes it possible to file an uninsured motorist claim that can cover accident-related expenses like:

  • Medical expenses
  • Property damage
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Wrongful death

Filing an uninsured motorist claim after a fatal hit-and-run accident won’t enable your family to collect as much compensation as a wrongful death case would. It can, however, come in handy for a family dealing with the loss of a loved one killed by another driver who left the accident scene and is still on the lam.

Filing a Wrongful Death Lawsuit After a Hit-and-Run Accident

Were Plantation police and/or a fatal hit-and-run accident lawyer in Plantation, Florida, able to find the driver responsible for killing your loved one during the investigation process? In this case, your family can file a wrongful death claim against the at-fault party.

This is ideal for your family since it allows you to collect more compensation than you could through uninsured motorist coverage. If your fatal hit-and-run accident lawyer can prove the defendant in your lawsuit acted recklessly and showed a blatant disregard for the safety of others, you might even have the chance to seek punitive damages in the case.

Contact Us When You Need a Fatal Hit-and-Run Accident Lawyer in Plantation, Florida

Do you have a loved one who was tragically killed during a fatal hit-and-run crash? An experienced fatal hit-and-run accident lawyer in Plantation, Florida, from Lyons & Snyder can help your family find the responsible party and subject them to the necessary legal penalties. We can also assist your family in filing a wrongful death claim.

Call us at 954-627-1779 to speak with an attorney about your case.

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