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Coral Springs & Parkland Injury Lawyers > Blog > General > Do I need Uninsured Motorist Coverage if I Have Health Insurance?

Do I need Uninsured Motorist Coverage if I Have Health Insurance?

Recently, we have heard that some insurance agents are advising their clients not to purchase uninsured / underinsured motorist coverage if they have health insurance.   For drivers in South Florida, this is incorrect advice.   Let me tell you why.

What is uninsured / underinsured motorist coverage?

Car insurance which pays for YOUR past and future medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering if you are hit by an uninsured or underinsured driver.

Uninsured motorist coverage also protects you and your family as pedestrians, cyclists or as a passenger in another vehicle.

South Florida has a high percentage of uninsured motorists.

South Florida has one of the highest rates of uninsured drivers in the nation.

In 2024, approximately 1 out of every 3 drivers are driving in South Florida without BODILY INJURY coverage. 

It is estimated that the number of uninsured drivers in South Florida is 2.5x higher than the national average. 

As car insurance gets more expensive, this rate is only going to increase. 

Hit and run accidents are also on the rise.

Florida does not require its drivers to purchase BODILY INJURY coverage

Florida is the ONLY state in the Country that does not require drivers to purchase BODILY INJURY coverage.

Mississippi requires $25,000.00 for bodily injury coverage.  

Arkansas requires $25,000 for bodily injury coverage. 

Alabama requires $25,000 for bodily injury coverage. 

Florida does not require $0.01.

And, for those drivers that purchase bodily injury coverage, they only purchase $10,000 in coverage. 

Seriously, we are behind Mississippi, Arkansas and Alabama – That’s nuts!

That means that IF you are injured in South Florida, it is a good chance that you will be OUT OF LUCK. 

But I have health insurance?

Health Insurance will pay for your medical treatment, but:

Many Doctors on Health Insurance Plans Will Refuse to See Patients Involved in a Car Accident Claim

Surprising to most, many doctors on health insurance plans, will refuse to see patients who are involved in an injury claim or lawsuit. 

These is especially common in hospital-based practices such as Baptist or Cleveland Clinic.

They will refuse

Injured in a car accident, good luck finding a neurologist or orthopedic surgeon who will take your insurance?    They won’t even let you make the appointment.

If these doctors do accept your insurance, it will be out-of-network with huge co-pays.

As a result, clients that do not have uninsured motorist coverage are oftentimes:

  1. Unable to receive the care that they desperately needed, regardless of they have health insurance and
  2. If they can find a doctor to see them, they can’t afford to pay the co-pays.

Health Insurance Will Not Pay for Lost Wages or Pain and Suffering

If you are injured in a car accident, your life can be irreparably harmed.   

You will have difficulty working now and in the future. 

You will struggle to perform activities of daily living now and in the future.   

Your quality of life will decrease as you will be unable to do things that give you pleasure now and in the future. 

Health insurance will not compensate you for these damages. 

Uninsured / underinsured motorist coverage will.


In our opinion, uninsured / underinsured motorist coverage is an absolute must in South Florida.   It is the only way to protect you from the mayhem that is South Florida and to ensure you are compensated for your medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering if you are involved in a car crash.

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