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Coral Springs & Parkland Injury Lawyers > Coral Springs Red Light Accident Lawyer

Coral Springs Red Light Accident Lawyer

Florida’s Uniform Traffic Laws clearly state that a motorist must stop at a red light at an intersection. Unfortunately, many motorists who are in a hurry instead fly right on through the intersection and end up colliding with pedestrians or motorists expecting drivers to obey the law.

If you were hurt in one of these collisions, contact Lyons & Snyder today. We are a group of car accident lawyers dedicated to protecting victims’ rights. Our Coral Springs red light accident lawyer will meet with you, review your case, and plan next steps. All you need to do is call us.

What Florida’s Law Says About Stopping

Florida Statute 316.123 is the law in question. It lays out the rules which apply at intersections:

  • A motorist approaching a stop intersection must stop before the clearly marked line, or if there is none, before entering the crosswalk.
  • Once you have stopped, you must yield the right of way to any car in the intersection or which is approaching very closely.
  • If you are at a four-way intersection, the first vehicle to stop can pass through.
  • If two or more cars arrive at the same time, you should yield to the driver on your right.

These rules are simple to understand. Nevertheless, countless motorists hit the gas, often trying to beat the light before it changes to red.

Why Motorists Run Red Lights

There is no excuse for failing to stop but instead endangering the lives of others on the road. Still, there are common reasons why drivers race through an intersection:

  • A driver might be unfamiliar with Coral Springs roads and fail to stop in time.
  • Chemical impairment. A driver who is intoxicated or high on drugs will have slower reflexes and might not even see the light if they are sufficiently impaired.
  • A tired driver can nod off and run a red light without meaning to.
  • A driver who doesn’t want to wait for the light to change might drive through.
  • Rolling stop. Some motorists mistakenly think they don’t need to stop if they are making a right-hand turn on a red light. They actually do, and they can’t proceed until the way is clear.

Accident Victims Deserve Compensation

If you were hurt, you should meet with our lawyers to decide if you can bring a claim for compensation. Running a red light is an obvious example of driver negligence, and our law requires that negligent drivers compensate you for medical bills and other expenses.

We can carefully document the accident to show the driver who struck you ran the red light. We can also help negotiate a settlement from the driver’s insurance company if you qualify for bringing a lawsuit outside Florida’s no-fault system.

Contact Lyons & Snyder to Learn More

There should be consequences for failing to follow the rules of the road. And innocent victims should not suffer financially when they are hit. For legal help, contact our Coral Springs car accident lawyer today to schedule a time to meet.

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