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Coral Springs & Parkland Injury Lawyers > Plantation Truck Accident Lawyer

Plantation Truck Accident Lawyer

While nearly all of our consumer products, from groceries to the automobile you were driving when you were hit, are transported by trucks, our system of transporting freight is, by no means, even close to perfect. Surface streets, rural roads, and highways are all mixed with varying sized vehicles, some of which have different speed limits. Meanwhile, pedestrians and cyclists are forced to use the same roads as those same semi-trucks that are hauling tens of thousands of pounds of goods. With so many different road users, and distractions and impatiens abound, collisions are inevitable. Sadly, the injured party is nearly always the non-occupant of the truck, due to the vast size, weight and height difference. Here at Lyons & Snyder, our Plantation truck accident lawyers fight for victims of trucking crashes to ensure that they are not also injured financially on top of the physical and psychological injuries that were unfairly thrust upon them.

Causes of Truck Accidents

  • Distracted Driving—Distracted driving is the current scourge of our roadways, with nearly all drivers engaging in phone use these days. Truck drivers are no different, and even go so far as to watch TV and movies on the road, particularly during long highway stints.
  • Aggressive Driving—Any type of speeding is considered aggressive driving, though aggressive driving does not stop there. Other forms of aggressive or impatient driving include cutting others off, refusing to yield right of way, speeding up to impede others attempting to merge onto the highway, tailgating, and more, according to AAA. Truck drivers who engage in aggressive driving are putting the lives of other road users at serious risk.
  • Fatigued Driving—Drowsy driving or fatigued driving is exceedingly common among truck drivers, causing reduced reaction time, tailgating, drifting from lane to lane, and general unsafe and unpredictable movements. Fatigue, speeding, and alcohol are the three leading causes of fatal truck crashes, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, and unfortunately all three sometimes go together.
  • Brake Failures and Other Mechanical Issues—Failure to maintain a truck’s basic operating and safety features, such as brakes, tires, windshield, and onboard crash prevention systems is a form of negligence. Make no mistake, it is not an “accident” that was unforeseeable. Negligent maintenance is no excuse for causing a crash.
  • Improper Loading of Cargo—If a truck is overloaded or loaded improperly, it increases the chance of the truck driver losing control of the vehicle. It can also increase braking time or make a truck too top heavy, which increases the chance of a rollover. Trucking companies that attempt to save dollars by cutting corners and gambling with other road users’ lives should be held accountable.

Call Our Plantation Truck Accident Lawyers

Most truck collisions end in serious injury for the smaller road user. Whether you were the driver or occupant of a car, pickup, or van, or you were a motorcyclist, bicyclist, or pedestrian, you deserve justice. To get started on your personal injury claim today, contact the experienced Plantation truck accident lawyers at Lyons & Snyder at (954) 462-8035 to schedule a free consultation. We’re aggressive, so you don’t have to be.

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