How Passenger Vehicle Drivers Can Avoid Large Truck Accidents

According to the NHTSA, more than 5,000 people died in accidents involving large trucks in 2019. More than 70% of the people killed in large-truck crashes in 2019 were occupants of other vehicles, mainly passenger vehicle occupants. This is primarily because a smaller, lighter car provides little protection than a bigger, heavier vehicle, assuming no other differences. When a truck hits a passenger vehicle, there is usually not enough protection to keep the passenger vehicle occupant(s) from suffering injuries. Both size and weight affect the forces people inside a vehicle experience during a crash. The magnitude of those forces is directly related to the risk of injury. The bigger vehicle will push the lighter one backward during the impact.
Imagine being tackled by your 8-year-old son at 15 mph. Now imagine being tackled by a professional football player at 15 mph. It is obvious the football player (at the same speed) will cause you more pain.
Because of how dangerous large truck accidents can be for passenger vehicle occupants, it is vital that passenger vehicle drivers do their best to avoid such accidents. Often, passenger vehicle drivers are advised to avoid a truck’s blind spots and maintain a proper following distance. These two are effective ways of avoiding large truck accidents. However, there are many more ways of preventing truck accidents.
Below is a look at four more ways passenger vehicle drivers can avoid truck accidents:
Be Careful When Passing Large Trucks
Because of how heavy trucks are, you should stay in your lane if you cannot overtake a truck with plenty of room. A large truck requires more distance to stop, so when passing one, anticipate enough acceleration that can enable you to get past the truck and leave enough room between you and the truck. You need to leave enough space between you and a truck before returning to the right lane.
Watch Out for Turns
Large trucks require a lot of space to turn. Usually, trucks must swing wide or use multiple lanes when turning. Passenger vehicle drivers need to anticipate this. It would be best if you never tried to cut a large truck off. If a large truck is turning in one direction, avoid passing on the same side.
It is crucial for passenger vehicle drivers to be careful to avoid intersection accidents involving large trucks. If you notice a truck turning at an intersection, ensure you use caution. It would be best to allow a large truck to finish turning before passing, turning, or entering the intersection because it can be difficult to tell how fast a truck is moving or how much space it will use to execute a turn.
Avoid Distracted Driving
If you need to reply to a text or email, you should wait until you get to a rest area. Also, you should avoid eating or drinking while driving. Generally, when on a highway, where large trucks are bound to be present, avoid any form of behavior that takes your attention away from driving.
Remain Predictable
When on the highway, make sure you are always predictable. For example, use clear signals before changing lanes or turning in front of a truck. Turning or changing lanes without giving clear signals can result in a crash if the truck driver is unable to adjust their driving accordingly on time.
Contact a Coral Springs Personal Injury Lawyer
If despite all your efforts to stay safe on the road, you got involved in a large truck accident because of another person’s negligence, you may be eligible for compensation. Our Coral Springs truck accident lawyers at Lyons & Snyder can help you hold the at-fault party or parties accountable and recover the compensation you deserve. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.