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What Should You Do If A Driver Refuses To Share Their Insurance Information At The Accident Scene?


After a Florida car accident, all involved parties are expected to exchange insurance information. In most cases, drivers cooperate and exchange this information. However, there are times when a motorist will refuse to share their insurance information. This is especially common with drivers who are uninsured or underinsured. Such drivers can make an already difficult situation more difficult.  Some of these drivers also “leave the scene” even after they stop their vehicle following a crash.

Obtaining insurance information from the other driver is crucial after a Florida car accident. However, if, after getting involved in a Florida car accident, the other driver refuses to share with you their insurance information, it is crucial that you remain calm. Below, we will discuss the steps you can take if a driver refuses to share their insurance information at an accident scene. 

Call the Police

It is our advice to always call the police if you are involved in a crash.

You need to avoid confronting the other driver if they refuse to share their insurance information at the accident scene. Instead of confronting the other driver, call law enforcement officers and let them collect the information you need. After the police gather the other driver’s insurance information, they will share it with you.

In addition to obtaining the insurance information from the other driver, the police will write an accident report. This report can prove quite helpful after you file a claim against the other driver.

Gather Other Details

After an accident, a driver’s insurance information is crucial. However, there are other details that are also important, which you should attempt to collect after a Florida car accident. For example, you need to collect the other driver’s contact information and address. So, if they refuse to share their insurance information, you should try getting their contact information and address. You should also try to get their driver’s license details.

Take a picture of their license place.  Take a picture of their VIN, if possible (in the front near the bottom of the windshield).  We can sometimes locate the vehicle’s owner’s insurance with this information through the DMV if the at-fault driver leaves the scene before the police arrive.

What if the Other Driver Leaves the Accident Scene?

If a driver flees before giving you their insurance information or any other information, avoid chasing after them. Instead of chasing after the other driver, try gathering witnesses’ statements. Also, give the police the details about the other driver’s car that you collected and allow them to handle the situation. With the information you gathered, the police may be able to locate the other driver.

What if the Other Driver Is Uninsured or Underinsured?

If the other driver is uninsured/underinsured, review your insurance policy to determine if you have UM/UIM motorist coverage. If you have this type of insurance coverage, you can file a claim with your insurance company and recover compensation for your medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering.   If you don’t have UM/UIM coverage, you should contact an attorney so they can help you determine your other options.

Contact a Delray Beach Car Accident Lawyer

Another thing you can do if the other driver refuses to share their insurance information after an accident is to reach out to an attorney. If you have been injured in a Florida car accident and the other driver is not cooperating, an experienced Delray Beach car accident lawyer at Lyons & Snyder can help.

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