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Soft Tissue Injuries In Motor Vehicle Accidents

More than 100 million vehicles are estimated to hit American roads every day. With so many vehicles on the road every day, it is no wonder that motor vehicle accidents happen all the time. The FLHSMV estimates that in 2021 alone, 401,182 traffic crashes in Florida resulted in 252,901 injuries. While some of these injuries were minor injuries, a good number were severe injuries.

A soft tissue injury is one of the serious injuries you can sustain in a motor vehicle accident. Unfortunately, a lot of people overlook soft tissue injuries. It is crucial to note that even if a soft tissue injury starts off as minor, it can blossom into a severe injury, especially if left untreated. Therefore, it is crucial that you see a medical doctor if you sustained a soft tissue injury in a Florida motor vehicle accident.

What Is Soft Tissue?

Your bones are what are known as hard tissue. Your soft tissue includes;

  • Fat
  • Skin
  • Ligaments
  • Muscles
  • Tendons
  • Connective tissue
  • Blood vessels

An injury to any of these is known as a soft tissue injury.

A soft tissue injury can occur because of overuse. However, this type of injury can also happen because of the sudden trauma that an auto accident causes. Even in a minor accident, a soft tissue injury can occur.

With soft tissue injuries, the following are possible;

  • Pain
  • Swelling or inflammation
  • Stiffness
  • Bruising

Common Soft Tissue Injuries That Occur During Motor Vehicle Accidents

The following are some of the most common soft tissue injuries in auto accident cases;

  • Sprains – These soft tissue injuries occur when a ligament stretches or tears.
  • Strains – These soft tissue injuries occur when a muscle or tendon stretches or tears
  • Contusions – These occur because of blunt force trauma.
  • Whiplash – This happens when the neck and head move back and forth rapidly and violently

Treating a Soft Tissue Injury

If yours is a minor to moderate soft tissue injury, it can be treated with the “R.I.C.E” method. This method involves resting, icing, compressing, and elevating. The R.I.C.E method can help reduce swelling and inflammation quickly. A minor to moderate soft tissue injury can also be treated by immobilization. However, your doctor is the best person to tell you which treatment option is best for you. For example, your doctor may order surgery if yours is a severe soft tissue injury.

Recovering Compensation for a Soft Tissue Injury

Soft tissue injuries can result in substantial medical bills. Fortunately, if you sustained a severe soft tissue injury in a Florida motor vehicle accident because of another party’s fault, you may be eligible to file a personal injury claim and recover compensation. If you sustained a soft tissue injury in a Florida motor vehicle accident and believe another party is to blame for your injury, reach out to an attorney as soon as possible. When you work with an attorney, you increase your chances of recovering the compensation you deserve.

Contact a Plantation Personal Injury Lawyer

If another party is to blame for the soft tissue injury you sustained in a motor vehicle accident in Florida, our Plantation personal injury lawyers at Lyons & Snyder can help you recover the compensation you deserve. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.


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