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Coral Springs & Parkland Injury Lawyers > Blog > Car Accident > Who Is Liable In A Florida Sideswipe Accident?

Who Is Liable In A Florida Sideswipe Accident?

One of the most dangerous types of motor vehicle accidents is a sideswipe accident. Unfortunately, sideswipe accidents happen quite a lot. A sideswipe accident can result in serious injuries and even death. This type of accident can result in substantial damages and major life changes. A sideswipe accident is especially damaging when it involves a smaller and larger vehicle. For example, the results can be devastating if a large truck sideswipes a small passenger vehicle.

Defining a Sideswipe Accident

Motor vehicle accidents are usually categorized based on the angle of impact. Therefore, in a sideswipe accident, the angle of impact is the vehicle’s side. This type of collision happens when two vehicles are headed in one direction, and the side of one vehicle hits the other vehicle’s side. A sideswipe accident can also occur when two vehicles go in opposite directions.

Common Sideswipe Accident Injuries

As mentioned earlier, sideswipe accidents can result in serious injuries. The sides of a vehicle don’t offer vehicle occupants additional protection as the back and front of the vehicle. For example, the vehicle’s trunk provides protection in a rear-end collision. Additionally, when a sideswipe collision occurs, the impact can cause the vehicle to collide with other traffic or another object.

The following are some of the injuries that can result from a sideswipe collision;

  • Broken bones
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Burns

Who Is Liable in a Sideswipe Accident?

Every sideswipe accident is different. Therefore, the party liable in a sideswipe accident depends on the case’s specifics. For example, if the other driver unsafely changed lanes, they are likely liable for the accident. Usually, the determination of fault in a Florida sideswipe accident is based on the legal principle of negligence. In Florida, a party is negligent if they fail to take reasonable steps to prevent harm to another party. For example, when it comes to changing lanes, Florida law requires drivers to ensure they can make a lane change safely before proceeding to change lanes. Before changing lanes, a driver must ensure they are not being passed or approached by another vehicle in the lane to which they want to move. A driver who makes a lane change when it is not safe for them to do so is liable for any resulting accident.

An attorney can help determine who is responsible for a Florida sideswipe accident.

Other Causes of Sideswipe Accidents

Apart from unsafe lane changes, the following are other common negligent acts that can result in sideswipe accidents;

  • A driver merging recklessly without confirming whether it is safe to merge
  • A motorist failing to use their turn signal to indicate a lane change
  • Reckless driving

For example, if the other motorist failed to check their blind spots or use their turn signal when merging into another lane, they could be held responsible for a sideswipe accident.

Contact a Plantation Personal Injury Lawyer

If you’ve suffered injuries in a Florida sideswipe accident, contact our Plantation personal injury lawyers at Lyons & Snyder. We can help you determine liability and recover the compensation you deserve for your injuries and damages.

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