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Coral Springs & Parkland Injury Lawyers > Coral Springs Dog Bite Lawyer

Coral Springs Dog Bite Lawyer

Over 130,000 people live in Coral Springs, and many of them are dog lovers. Although the majority of dogs in the city are friendly and do not pose a threat to others, the same is not true of all dogs in the city. People are seriously injured every year by dogs throughout Florida. When a dog bites or attacks an innocent person, the law allows them to file a claim for compensation against the dog owner. While the law does seem to favor victims, it is still important to work with a Coral Springs dog bite lawyer that can ensure you receive the maximum damages you deserve.

The Law on Dog Bites in Florida

Dog bite claims are governed by strict liability law in Florida. This means that dog owners are liable any time their pet bites or attacks someone. Victims do not have to prove the dog owner knew of the dog’s violent or aggressive history, nor that the dog owner was negligent in restraining the dog. Victims simply have to show that the dog was unprovoked and bit them, and that they sustained serious injuries as a result.

The Cost of Dog Bites in Coral Springs

A dog bite may sound like a minor event, but it is not. The injuries sustained during a dog bite or attack are not only very painful, but they are also very expensive to treat. After a dog bite, you may require emergency medical treatment, physical therapy, pain medication, cosmetic surgery, skin care, and follow-up treatment.

Many people think their medical insurance will cover the cost of injuries following a dog bite, but that is not always the case. Dog bite injuries are unique in the way that they can cause permanent scarring and disfigurement. Insurance companies are often reluctant to cover the cost of these injuries because they are considered cosmetic. Often, the only way to recover compensation for these devastating injuries is to file a claim against the dog owner.

Defenses in Dog Bite Claims in Coral Springs

It is important to know the potential defenses the dog owner may use against you in an effort to shield them from paying full damages. The first argument they may use is that you were trespassing at the time you were bitten or attacked. Florida law generally does not provide the same protection to trespassers as they do other victims of dog bites.

The dog owner may also try to argue that you were partly at fault for your injuries. For example, if you provoked the dog into biting or attacking you, the insurance company and the court will likely find that you were partly to blame, which will impact the total amount of damages you recover.

A Coral Springs dog bite lawyer can help you refute the defenses the dog owner presents so you recover the fair settlement you deserve.

Our Dog Bite Lawyer in Coral Springs Can Provide the Sound Legal Advice You Need

If you have been hurt in a dog attack, our Coral Springs dog bite lawyer at Lyons & Snyder can advise on your case and help you obtain the full damages you deserve. Call us today at 954-462-8035 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation so we can review your case.

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