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Coral Springs & Parkland Injury Lawyers > Delray Beach Car Accident Lawyer

Delray Beach Car Accident Lawyer

There are over 400,000 motor vehicle collisions every year in Florida, amounting to nearly a quarter million injured victims, according to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. The vast majority of these collisions could have been avoided if all parties had their hands on the wheel, their eyes fully on the road, and been driving the speed limit. Unfortunately, many drivers put their own timeliness and entertainment above all other road users. Distracted driving, due to cell phones, and aggressive driving are both at an all time high, and thousands of people suffer serious and debilitating injuries because of this. Traffic court does little to create justice; many of these dangerous drivers are repeat offenders, and are allowed back on the road the same day that they mow down a pedestrian or T-bone another vehicle. Here at the law offices of Lyons & Snyder, our Delray Beach car accident lawyers fight for car crash victims to ensure that they are compensated for their damages.

How Did the Crash Happen?

When a driver is at fault, which is almost always the case, collisions are caused by one or more of the following factors:

  • Failure to yield right of way;
  • Speeding;
  • Tailgating;
  • Changing lanes without using a turn signal;
  • Rapid or sudden lane changes;
  • Going the wrong way down a street;
  • Failure to stop at a stop sign or red light; or
  • Swerving unexpectedly out of the lane.

Any of the above can be a result of distracted driving, aggressive or impatient driving, driving under the influence, or drowsy driving. In order to prove fault, it may not be necessary to prove that the other driver was distracted by their phone, for example. It is typically enough to establish how the crash occurred. That alone, in most cases, is enough to determine fault.

What Evidence is Used to Prove Fault?

There are a number of elements used to establish fault in a collision. First, the rules of the road must be established for the specific circumstances in which the collision occurred. For example, if a crash occurred at the junction of a highway onramp and the highway, it may be established that the vehicle merging onto the highway must give right of way to vehicles already on the highway. However, if it is proven that the other driver changed lanes to the right lane suddenly and without warning, or if they were speeding excessively, they may be found at fault. Evidence that we may use to establish negligent driving includes:

  • Both drivers’ testimony;
  • Witnesses;
  • Crash scene evidence, such as skid marks;
  • Onboard dash cameras;
  • Expert witnesses; and
  • More.

Call a Delray Beach Car Accident Lawyer Today

If you were injured in a car crash, we can help get you the compensation you deserve. Even if the crash was caused by someone without insurance, or if it was a hit and run we can help. Contact the Delray Beach car accident lawyers at Lyons & Snyder today at (954) 462-8035 to schedule a free consultation.

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