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Four Tips To Help You Maximize Your Car Accident Compensation


Because of the adverse effects of car accidents on victims, it is only right that a car accident victim recovers compensation. The compensation you obtain after a car accident can help ease your burden. Unfortunately, regardless of how strong your car accident case is, you cannot recover the maximum payment amount possible if you don’t handle your case correctly.

Below are four tips to help you maximize your car accident compensation.

Hire an Experienced and Dedicated Attorney Who Can Help You Get the Payment You Deserve

Even though this might seem biased coming from an attorney, the truth is that when a car accident victim works with an experienced car accident attorney, they increase their chances of recovering the compensation they deserve. A skilled and reliable car accident attorney can help you negotiate with the insurance company and litigate your case in court if the need to do so arises.

You Can Decline an Initial Settlement Offer

As soon as you initiate your car accident claim, the insurance company will oftentimes offer you some amount of money in exchange for a release.  Progressive Insurance is notorious for offering “pennies on the dollar” sometimes within hours of a crash.   The initial offer from an insurance company is only the beginning of the negotiation process, thus it is usually a low offer.  So, don’t be too quick to accept an initial offer from an insurance company. Remember, just because you refuse an initial settlement offer does not mean you won’t be compensated.   It is our recommendation that you NEVER discuss settlement offers without first speaking with an experienced personal injury attorney.

Avoid Admitting Guilt

After a car accident, you might feel tempted to admit that you did something negligent that caused the accident. Even if you truly believe that you committed a mistake that led to your accident, you should not admit guilt. This is because you probably don’t know everything that led to your accident. You should wait for an investigation to be carried out so liability can be determined. It is crucial that you avoid even apologizing after a car accident. A simple statement like “I am sorry, I did not see your car” can be used against you and cost you your compensation. Instead of admitting fault, consult a car accident attorney and tell them what you believe happened.

Wait Until You Reach MMI Before Accepting a Settlement

Simply put, you reach maximum medical improvement (MMI) when you get to a point where you have either healed completely or recovered as much as you will from your injuries. It’s only after you reach MMI that your attorney can be able to calculate your claim’s value accurately. After a car accident victim reaches MMI, their condition is assessed, and a degree of partial or permanent impairment is determined. The degree of your impairment is then used to determine how much compensation you should receive. Generally, waiting until you reach MMI helps you understand the full extent of your injuries. You don’t want to settle your claim early, only for you to realize your injuries are worse than you thought. Additionally, waiting until you reach MMI enables you to know if you’ll need future medical care, and, if you will, how much the care will cost. You need such information to be able to calculate the value of your claim.

Contact a Delray Beach Car Accident Lawyer

If you need help recovering the maximum amount of compensation possible in your car accident claim, contact a Delray Beach car accident lawyer at Lyons & Snyder today to discuss your case.

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