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Should I Hire A Lawyer After A Minor Car Accident In Florida?


If you are involved in what you believe is a minor car accident in Florida because, for example, there appears to be no major damage or injuries, you might wonder whether it is worth hiring a lawyer. You might wonder whether the time and expense will be worth the trouble.

So, should you hire a lawyer after a minor accident in Florida? No matter how small a car accident seems, failing to call an attorney after a car accident can be detrimental in the end. Hence, it is best to reach out to a lawyer even after a car accident that you think is minor. Besides calling a lawyer, it is best to report an accident to the police even if you believe it is a minor accident.

Reporting a Car Accident in Florida

After being in a car accident that you believe is minor, it is a good idea to call law enforcement officers and make a report. The law requires certain kinds of traffic crashes to be reported, so if you fail to report your accident, you might find that you have violated the law.

Additionally, reporting a car accident to the police will ensure there is a record of the accident, which can prove helpful if you file a claim. Even if you think an accident is minor, you might end up realizing that it was not as minor as you thought. When that time comes, you might decide to file a claim.

Possible Injuries After a Minor Car Accident

After an accident, for example, happens at low speeds, adrenaline can mask injury symptoms, and you might believe you are uninjured. You might not experience any symptoms until days or weeks after your accident. For example, a back injury might not start manifesting itself immediately after an accident. Other injuries you could notice days or weeks after an accident that seemed minor include;

  • Whiplash
  • Spinal injuries
  • Brain injuries

Even if there is little to no damage to your car, you might have injuries from your car accident.

Thus, seeing a medical professional promptly after a car accident is crucial, even if the accident seems minor. If you discover any injuries, a skilled car accident attorney can help you file a claim and recover the compensation you deserve from an at-fault party.

Should You Retain a Lawyer When Dealing With Your Insurance Company?

When you have to deal with another party’s insurance company, it might be obvious you should hire an attorney. On the other hand, you might think you don’t need to retain a lawyer if you will be filing for compensation with your insurance company after a minor accident. But the truth is that even when dealing with your insurance company, you need the help of a qualified attorney. Insurance companies, including your own, are out to make profits. An attorney can help you deal with your insurance company and recover the compensation you deserve.

Contact a Parkland Car Accident Lawyer

Have you gotten into a car accident in Florida and need expert legal help? Contact our Parkland car accident attorneys at Lyons & Snyder to schedule a consultation and discuss your case.


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