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4 Reasons To Hire A Truck Accident Attorney

Hundreds of thousands of large trucks are involved in accidents that result in an injury every year. In 2020 alone, the NSC estimates that 107,000 large trucks were involved in accidents that resulted in injuries. These statistics show that every road user has a high chance of being involved in an accident with a truck. Fortunately, if you were injured in a Florida truck accident, you can file a claim for compensation.

If you’ve been injured in a Florida truck accident, consider hiring an attorney to help you with your claim for compensation. There are several things a truck accident attorney can do for you to increase your chances of recovering the maximum possible compensation. If you’re considering filing a truck accident claim, the following are four specific reasons why hiring an attorney is in your best interest.

An Attorney Will Determine Liability

After a truck accident, it may appear that the truck driver is liable. That might be true. However, in a truck accident, there could be multiple liable parties. For example, the driver, trucking company, and truck manufacturer could all be to blame for your accident. A skilled truck accident attorney can investigate which parties you can hold liable. An attorney can ensure you have the evidence you need to prove negligence on each party’s part.

Trucking Companies Are Large Corporations

If a trucking company is liable for your accident, it is in your best interest to retain an attorney. The trucking company has the money to compensate you fairly for your injuries and damages, but it also has the resources to hire a team to represent it, so it does not have to do so. In other words, the trucking company is much larger than you, and without the help of an attorney, you stand to lose. An experienced truck accident attorney can fight for your rights and ensure you recover the maximum possible compensation.

An Attorney Can Ensure You Say the Right Things

After a truck accident, emotions can run high and result in you saying the wrong thing to the insurance company. A qualified truck accident attorney can communicate with the insurance company on your behalf to prevent you from saying the wrong thing. If you say the wrong thing to the insurance company, your statement could be used against you. Something you say could lead to your claim being devalued or denied.

An Attorney Can Help You Recover Non-economic Damages

The insurance company might offer you a large settlement to compensate you for your economic damages. You might want to accept the settlement and close your case when that happens. If you do, chances are, you will have left a lot of money on the table. In a truck accident case, you are entitled to recover compensation for more than just your economic damages. Depending on the specifics, you may also be entitled to non-economic damages such as loss of enjoyment of life and pain and suffering. An experienced truck accident attorney can ensure you are compensated for your non-economic damages.

Contact a Delray Beach Truck Accident Lawyer

If you’ve suffered injuries in a Florida truck accident, contact our Coral Springs truck accident lawyers at Lyons & Snyder to discuss your case.


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